- Hits: 1543
Mass spectrometer system requirements
System requirements:
- The mass spectrometer shall be able to give electrons to collide with the atoms of the introduced gas, thus obtaining ions.
- The mass spectrometer shall be able to accelerate the ions by exposing them to high voltage.
- The mass spectrometer shall be able to separate the ions from each other and change their path by exposing them to a magnetic field coming from the Helmholtz Coil.
- The detector shall be able to capture the ions according to the (masse/charge) after deflection.
Mechanical requirements:
- The cathode shall be able to withstand the thermal and electrical Stress.
- The cathode shall be made of tungsten.
- The anode shall be made of stainless steel.
- The tube shall be made of stainless steel ( ionization chamber + 2 horizontals tubes + 1 curved tube ).
- The vacuum pump shall be able to create a vacuum in the stainless steel tube.
- The plate, which push the ions out of the ionization chamber, shall be made of stainless steel ( slight positive charge) .
- The three plates, which accelerate the ions, shall be made made of stainless steel.
- The Helmholtz coil shall be made of two pieces of plastic, with iron inside, and copper strips wrapped around it.The Helmholtz coil shall be manufactured according to the mechanical design .
Physical requirements :
- A plate of stainless steel ( slight positive charge) shall be able to push the ions out of the ionization chamber.
- A three plates, made of stainless steel, shall be able to accelerate the ions.
- The detector shall be able to capture the ions and give a signal to the computer.
Electrical requirements:
- The power supply (P4) shall be able to supply 17 V to the tungsten.
- The power supply (P5) shall be able to supply a 300V to the acceleration plates.
- The anode and all stainless steel plates shall be isolated from the tube, in order to prevent the voltage from extending and crossing the tube.
Magnetic requirements:
- The Helmholtz coil shall be able to generate the magnetic field on the curved tube.
- The Helmholtz coil shall be able to generate a magnetic field of 0.2T.
Safety requirements:
Electrical safety
- All the electric connection shall be coated by the right isolated according to the current and the voltage passing through the connections.
- The cables and connections of 17 V shall be isolated with...
- The cables and connections of 300 V shall be isolated with...