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قطاع الطاقة الكهربائية في السعودية
Saudi Arabia has very recently and very quickly become an industrialized nation. The demand for power is swiftly increasing (in 1999 alone it grew by 12%). The country has been spending between $3bn and $4bn dollars on expansion per annum
Planning of projects:
Saudi Arabia intends to carry out 16 key power projects in its eastern province of Ihsa over the next three years to meet a steady growth in domestic electricity demand, according to a Saudi official.
The government-controlled Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) is also planning to construct 14 other power generation plants in Ihsa during 2017-2021, said Sadeq Al Hajji, director of the power networks planning at SEC.
He was quoted by the Arabic language daily Al-Watan as saying in a lecture at Isha chamber that the projects in the next three years cover various cities and villages in the province, including Al Salmaniya, Al Ghassaniya, Ain Al Murjan, Al Khalidiya, Al Qadissiya, Al Masoudi, Nada and other areas.
He said the projects are needed to face a steady rise in domestic demand and supply power to new residential areas.
His figures showed massive investments in the electricity sector in the world's largest oil exporter have boosted power generation by nearly 108% over the past 12 years.
source: www.zawya.com
List of Power Plants in Saudi Arabia
title |
CapacityMW |
fuel_types |
OutputMWh |
CO2kg |
IntensityKgMWh |
4,336 |
2,687,080 |
620 |
1,066,720 |
412,550,000 |
387 |
68,096 |
33,333,600 |
489 |
5,391 |
3,278,570 |
608 |
900 |
Heavy Fuel Oil, Natural Gas |
2,902,790 |
1,030,410,000 |
355 |
563,488 |
230,170,000 |
409 |
460,206 |
236,178,000 |
513 |
59,352 |
29,397,300 |
495 |
9,461 |
5,483,930 |
580 |
1,374,200 |
1,617,870,000 |
590 |
305 |
Natural Gas |
1,007,110 |
489,446,000 |
486 |
15,094 |
8,406,880 |
557 |
27,306 |
14,455,100 |
529 |
10,295 |
5,924,820 |
576 |
20,199 |
10,972,400 |
543 |
7,650 |
4,515,970 |
590 |
29,820 |
15,667,100 |
525 |
764,681 |
304,291,000 |
398 |
14,534 |
8,120,210 |
559 |
24,188 |
12,937,400 |
535 |
11,676 |
6,646,940 |
569 |
99,583 |
47,185,400 |
474 |
339,246 |
160,493,000 |
473 |
153,850 |
70,233,300 |
456 |
57,907 |
28,742,300 |
496 |
1,318,860 |
500,880,000 |
380 |
146,349 |
67,096,300 |
459 |
26,185 |
13,910,800 |
531 |
23,365 |
12,534,600 |
537 |
7,798 |
4,595,800 |
589 |
4,165,130 |
1,825,030,000 |
438 |
305 |
Natural Gas |
990,026 |
481,743,000 |
487 |
770,938 |
382,045,000 |
496 |
47,057 |
23,775,500 |
505 |
60,133 |
29,751,100 |
495 |
6,004 |
3,618,760 |
603 |
312,976 |
165,642,000 |
529 |
14,110 |
7,904,300 |
560 |
11,855 |
6,740,380 |
568 |
74,695 |
36,275,600 |
486 |
821,709 |
405,314,000 |
493 |
4,655 |
2,867,610 |
616 |
148,088 |
67,824,800 |
458 |
7,007 |
4,167,610 |
595 |
36,327 |
18,766,000 |
517 |
331,610 |
264,608,000 |
399 |
1,517,200 |
1,082,630,000 |
357 |
1,518,100 |
1,111,750,000 |
366 |
8,843,560 |
3,328,780,000 |
376 |
6,098,770 |
2,601,040,000 |
426 |
4,272,830 |
1,868,740,000 |
437 |
1,096,950 |
423,229,000 |
386 |
938,790 |
1,181,430,000 |
630 |
627,835 |
254,091,000 |
405 |
11,120 |
6,357,550 |
572 |
5,198 |
3,171,520 |
610 |
22,251 |
11,986,600 |
539 |
4,220 |
2,621,760 |
621 |
685,198 |
344,338,000 |
503 |
148 |
Natural Gas |
467,568 |
240,317,000 |
514 |
144,882 |
81,111,400 |
560 |
102,794 |
48,575,200 |
473 |
76,580 |
86,354,900 |
562 |
32,549 |
16,972,500 |
522 |
180,607 |
97,009,800 |
537 |
268,989 |
117,059,000 |
435 |
2,661 |
Oil |
16,100,000 |
4,688,290,000 |
291 |
131,050 |
118,542,000 |
452 |
200,439 |
109,588,000 |
547 |
11,505 |
6,558,040 |
570 |
186,590 |
83,784,000 |
449 |
199,198 |
88,945,800 |
446 |
14,567 |
8,137,450 |
559 |
107,038 |
50,405,900 |
471 |
390,316 |
164,527,000 |
421 |
88,604 |
42,405,400 |
479 |
5,861 |
3,539,830 |
604 |
1,788,150 |
661,633,000 |
370 |
76,334 |
37,003,200 |
485 |
204,431 |
91,079,500 |
445 |
232,783 |
102,564,000 |
440 |
66,067 |
32,424,600 |
491 |
19,052 |
10,400,900 |
546 |
94,688 |
45,060,800 |
476 |
5,204 |
3,175,150 |
610 |
29,106 |
15,323,300 |
527 |
100,661 |
47,652,600 |
474 |
16,051 |
8,892,220 |
554 |
40,836 |
20,884,300 |
512 |
2,712,100 |
1,728,820,000 |
319 |
68,632 |
33,574,000 |
489 |
24,049 |
12,869,300 |
535 |
38,133 |
19,617,000 |
514 |
1,576,800 |
922,970,000 |
293 |
25,473 |
13,565,100 |
533 |
10,158 |
5,852,250 |
576 |
200,872 |
14,767,200 |
73 |
2,745 |
Natural Gas, Diesel Oil |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
305 |
Natural Gas |
1,001,980 |
487,135,000 |
486 |
259,054 |
113,099,000 |
437 |
1,293,910 |
561,226,000 |
434 |
3,393,010 |
1,188,430,000 |
350 |
224,494 |
99,219,700 |
442 |
232,737 |
102,545,000 |
440 |
2,428,990 |
875,483,000 |
361 |
7,199 |
4,271,930 |
593 |
34,143 |
17,730,900 |
519 |
3,846 |
2,407,670 |
626 |
58,899 |
29,192,300 |
496 |
49,800 |
25,040,100 |
503 |
113,024 |
52,976,900 |
469 |
9,413 |
5,458,530 |
580 |
18,831 |
10,291,100 |
547 |
25,473 |
13,565,100 |
533 |
7,375 |
4,367,190 |
592 |
3,963 |
2,474,800 |
625 |
11,907 |
6,767,600 |
568 |
15,381 |
8,552,030 |
556 |
19,277 |
10,513,400 |
545 |
256,980 |
137,976,000 |
537 |
157,680 |
71,830,900 |
455 |
15,178 |
8,448,610 |
557 |
10,633 |
6,101,720 |
574 |
28,362 |
14,964,900 |
528 |
792,654 |
314,453,000 |
397 |
73,829 |
35,891,000 |
486 |
96,292 |
45,757,500 |
475 |
150 |
Natural Gas |
32,100,000 |
12,065,600,000 |
377 |
6,334 |
3,800,200 |
600 |
50,446 |
25,336,800 |
502 |
2,753,150 |
1,243,340,000 |
452 |
752,791 |
373,700,000 |
496 |
15,752 |
8,740,730 |
555 |
9,274 |
5,385,050 |
581 |
116,040 |
66,024,900 |
569 |
10,633 |
6,101,720 |
574 |
52,083 |
26,087,000 |
501 |
73,329 |
35,668,700 |
486 |
70,659 |
34,479,400 |
488 |
10,264 |
5,908,490 |
576 |
1,580,030 |
743,056,000 |
470 |
17,093 |
9,418,390 |
551 |
39,300 |
20,164,900 |
513 |
132,180 |
61,130,600 |
463 |
48,964 |
24,655,500 |
503 |
5,246 |
3,198,730 |
610 |
56,730 |
28,207,100 |
497 |
353,676 |
150,347,000 |
425 |
540,781 |
221,674,000 |
410 |
736,873 |
366,369,000 |
497 |
994,338 |
483,687,000 |
486 |
48,608 |
33,108,600 |
341 |
59,481 |
29,456,300 |
495 |
4,026 |
2,511,090 |
624 |
7,333 |
4,344,510 |
592 |
1,121,660 |
431,936,000 |
385 |
230,333 |
124,661,000 |
541 |
19,612 |
10,680,300 |
545 |
4,157 |
2,585,480 |
622 |
409,325 |
212,657,000 |
519 |
19,320 |
10,535,100 |
545 |
24,012 |
12,851,200 |
535 |
32,267 |
16,838,300 |
522 |
17,939 |
9,843,860 |
549 |
190,113 |
85,229,100 |
448 |
9,342 |
5,421,340 |
580 |
307,576 |
168,851,000 |
549 |
4,323 |
Heavy Fuel Oil |
19,100,000 |
5,765,160,000 |
302 |
1,690,290 |
628,446,000 |
372 |
8,986 |
5,231,730 |
582 |
168,954 |
76,512,900 |
453 |
46,035 |
23,302,900 |
506 |
2,400 |
Natural Gas, Oil |
13,500,000 |
5,438,510,000 |
402 |
223,449 |
98,797,000 |
442 |
2,317,070 |
838,523,000 |
362 |
14,735 |
8,223,630 |
558 |
5,467 |
3,321,200 |
607 |
14,298 |
8,000,460 |
560 |
60,345 |
29,846,400 |
494 |
13,924 |
7,808,140 |
561 |
38,164 |
19,631,500 |
514 |
10,383 |
5,971,090 |
575 |
1,722,730 |
639,467,000 |
371 |
4,798 |
2,947,440 |
614 |
152,322 |
69,595,600 |
457 |
720 |
Fuel Oil |
9,321,300 |
3,851,260,000 |
413 |
79,010 |
38,187,000 |
484 |
271,763 |
118,162,000 |
435 |
39,147 |
20,093,200 |
513 |
11,449 |
6,529,010 |
570 |
413,924 |
214,645,000 |
518 |
4,655 |
2,867,610 |
616 |
29,115 |
15,327,800 |
527 |
2,233,510 |
810,830,000 |
363 |
168,416 |
76,289,700 |
453 |
139,926 |
78,535,900 |
561 |
121,634 |
68,969,600 |
567 |
59,863 |
29,628,700 |
495 |
382,204 |
199,353,000 |
522 |
984,981 |
479,467,000 |
487 |
174609820 MWh per year | |||
MW bei 24h*350d | |||
20786,9 MW | (about 20.8 GW installed power in Saudi Arabia actually) |